How does Amanda utilize ergonomics in her work?

  • Office/Workplace Ergonomic Assessments (for individuals or groups) - Written assessment of your current office set-up, with detailed recommendations on modifications.

  • Virtual Office Ergonomic Assessments (for individuals or groups) - Same content as above but provided virtually.

  • Job Task Analysis/Activity Assessments (for individuals or groups) - Written assessments of your activity, including utilization of appropriate analysis tools, with detailed recommendations on modifications.

  • Participatory Ergonomics Programming - This programming engages employees at all levels of an organization to facilitate meaningful improvement to health, safety, and well-being within the workplace. With guidance from Amanda, workers help to shape the creation of program elements and prioritize their implementation. Programs can be focused on one element of the workplace, or on entire systems (e.g., communication, physical ergonomics, managing cognitive load).

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